Making Room
As we prepare once more for the Incarnation and welcoming the Christ child, let’s take a deeper look at what it means to make room for Jesus and for the others that Jesus also embraces, by deepening our practice and understanding of Christian hospitality.
Soul Companions
In this series, we kick off our year-long spiritual practice of Spiritual Friendship, inviting each of us into companionship that helps us to see ourselves and others the way God sees, with compassion, love, authenticity, and mutuality.
Tiny Seeds, Great Harvest
The point of parables isn’t to master them, rather to sit with them as we keep asking big questions about these puzzles. Perhaps you will even find that this is similar to your relationship with stewardship and generosity.
Salt & Light
Jesus said we are the light of the world and the salt of the earth! God’s Holy Spirit spark dwells in each of us, “strangely warming” our hearts, setting us on fire to love and to serve. And God has created each of us just as we are: unique, gifted, called in particular ways.
Blessed to be a Blessing
We are blessed to be a blessing. As we receive blessing, as we offer blessing to God and others, we are part of a holy flow of divine love, power, and energy. In blessing, we offer intention, hope, awareness, connection, and presence as a gift to another. It’s powerful to offer a blessing. It’s powerful to receive a blessing.
Joyfully Responding
How do we joyfully respond to God with our whole selves? How do we respond to God with our time, talents, gifts and service?
Against The Grain
As followers of Jesus, sometimes the ways we speak, what we value, how we put our faith in action go against the grain.
By Your Spirit
Come, Holy Spirit, Come! We say and sing this every Pentecost, and this Pentecost season, we considered that we pray the Spirit will come and do among us. The Holy Spirit does and is so much for us, not the least of which we seek in our Great Thanksgiving communion prayer: “By Your Spirit, make us one with Christ, one with each other, and one in ministry to all the world. . . .”
Amazing Grace
I🎶“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me….” 🎶 It’s hard to name a song that is more broadly recognized and treasured. The hymn is a brilliant exposition of God’s grace. During this season after Easter, we explore what God’s “Amazing Grace” is, letting the song itself awaken us to experiences of God’s grace and freeing our joyful responses to it.
If you are like most of us, we don’t rest easily or well. We are depleted and struggle to truly feel restored. And many of us have felt the weight of restriction and even shame around keeping sabbath. This Lent we seek restoration through sabbath practices. We seek the delight, joy, peace, and freedom the sabbath is meant to offer.
What are your burning questions of life and faith? What do you wonder about? What awes and inspires you? During this season of hope, light, and wonder called Epiphany, let’s let our curiosity shine and illuminate our world. Let’s ask questions and see where they take us.
Grace Upon Grace
There’s perhaps no time in the year that feels as scarce as the season just before Christmas. Our need for Jesus is deeply evident, even as we prepare for Christ’s coming. What if we were to choose to practice abundance, even in the midst of this “season of scarcity”? What if we were able to focus on God’s abundant peace, hope, joy, and love this season? How might it change us and our Christmas celebrations?
How Does Our Garden Grow?
Our beloved community garden is watered as we immerse ourselves in our community, pouring out upon it our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, our witness. But perhaps most of all, our garden grows because of the living water of Jesus Christ bubbling up within and flowing through us, the waters of our baptism, bringing us to the fullness of life.
Perspective is one of the easiest things to lose when life is challenging. We struggle to honor the perspectives of one another, and perhaps even struggle to know what we ourselves think. Together we’ll explore how we compassionately hold our own unique perspectives alongside others.
Summer Sermons
Join us in exploring the Gospel of Luke and learning from the words of Jesus, including the Parable of the Rich Fool and the Lord's Prayer.
Contagious Joy
We sing about joy, we talk about joy, especially at Christmas and Easter. It’s been said that Christians should be the most joyful people around. And yet joy eludes many of us. . . . .
Building Bridges
Join us as we look for Jesus right in our own community, trusting we will find the resurrected one. Let’s weave the good news of God’s love and new life into the fabric of our community.
Powerful Purpose
Explore your God-Given Purpose through the Epiphany season. Discover more of who you are, learn to let your life speak, and hear more deeply your individual and collective vocations.
Art Incarnate
God, by nature, is creative. We who are created in imago dei are also creative by nature, whether we know it or not. As we anticipate and remember God's incarnation in Christ, we explore art and artistry, creation and creativity.
Hey there! Thank you for stopping by our website. If you are searching for a good church, we know we are the place for you. Feel free to check out the "New Here" page linked below where you can find the answers to all your questions. If you have never been to our church before, come by this Sunday! We would love to get to know you. We want to see lives changed here by the power of Jesus Christ, and we see that happen every week when someone steps through our doors. We look forward to meeting you! God bless.